Document Production and System Development

TOPServicesDocument Production and System Development

We develop software and systems to streamline and aid in the production of manuals and specification designs. With this know-how, we build production support systems which effectively manage and make use of existing documents.

By managing documents this way, it makes it possible to re-appropriate them for use in other media, allowing us to propose a variety of systems, such as web applications, in the early development stages.

We provide services
tailored to your needs

  • Document support management system
    By converting documents into XML format, it is easy for a large number of people to simultaneously edit and to manage any changes in the file content. Also, XML data can be reused in or applied to a wide variety of document types and applications.
  • Illustrations for medical equipment manuals
    By understanding the characteristics of medical equipment, that require professional knowledge, from the actual equipment and 3D CAD drawings, we can create and provide easy-to-understand illustrations to go with the description text.

Main system functions

XML editing (document editing),
recycling translations,
layout data for editing revision history management
(version/differential management and archiving),
illustration image management,
typesetting instruction management


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form