TOPニュースリリースCGVR Website Launched

CGVR Website Launched

YAMAGATA announced computer graphics and virtual reality (CGVR) to be a post-COVID-19 “new normal” commercial product.

With the call for a “new normal” after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic where we are required to keep a distance from others and avoid crowding, YAMAGATA created virtual showrooms as a way to meet the needs in a new normal for travel and the communication of information.
This virtual space also allows for virtual visits to functions such as showrooms, exhibitions, and factory tours that would conventionally require in-person visits.

The use of three-dimensional graphics broadens the range of virtual expression, allowing for more information to be communicated in a short amount of time.
Because these websites work perfectly in conjunction with “mobile first”, the push for the prioritization of smartphone media, and can capture the attention of even Gen Z visitors, the average time spent on the websites is also longer than that for conventional websites.

This is a great example of how you can use websites like these to improve the branding of your company.

CGVR website
*Please note that background music and an audio description will play on the website. This can be turned off with the music note/microphone icon located to the right of the screen.


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form