Medical Equipment
Production of
instruction manuals/other manuals

TOPServicesProduction of instruction manuals/other manuals (Medical Equipment)

We work with all kinds of devices, from thermometers to different types of circulatory support pumps.
We produce manuals for a multitude of medical devices, from general user's manuals to instruction manuals for specialized users.

  • Extensive
    history of
  • User-
  • Problem-

Three reasons
why clients choose us

01. We can draft manuals from the specification documents

Our experienced writers can create user instruction manuals for medical equipment based on specification documents and confirmational usage of the actual device. While accommodating to our client's needs, we assist you in creating medical instrument descriptions for your packaging as well as performing consistency checks across documents.

Types of products we work with
Thermometers, IV pumps, dialysis pumps, ventricular assist devices

02. We are proficient in illustration creation for medical equipment manuals

Using the actual equipment and 3D CAD drawings, we gain an understanding of the characteristics of medical equipment intended for trained professionals. Using this information, we create and provide our clients with easy-to-understand illustrations to go with the description text.

03. We propose solutions

We rewrite documents as well as propose different document formats in terms of structure, delivery format, etc. to suit where/how the products and manuals are being used. In addition to PDF, we can also work with HTML and other formats according to the circumstances of where the product is being used.

We produce manuals
tailored to your needs

  • Instruction manuals
    We produce manuals for a wide range of medical equipment, working with everything from general user's guides for thermometers and other home-use medical devices to operating manuals for circulatory support pumps (for IVs, dialysis, and ventricular assist devices) intended for trained professionals.
  • Service manuals
    With our technical drawing design and manual production techniques we cultivated through years of manual production, we also use the actual product, 3D CAD data, etc. to produce service manuals for professionals.

Our manual production process

  1. Inquiry
    Feel free to fill in the inquiry form or call us to contact us with your inquiry.
  2. Verification of request details
    Our staff will verify the details of your request with you.
  3. Quote
    After verifying the details, we create a quote for the content production that accommodates the client's needs.
  4. Kickoff
    For a smooth manual production process, we have meetings with the client to decide the manual format, how to present material, etc.
  5. Manual production
    After we receive the materials from the client, we begin producing the manual.


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form