Case Studies

“We’ve achieved a more understandable manual by upgrading from paper manuals to video manuals”

Major manufacturer C
Request details:
Manual production


●In addition to booklet manuals, we would like to provide machine operation methods conveniently through video manuals.
●We had no knowledge related to video production and this had been a recurring issue when selecting media types.
●We had a growing number of foreign staff members, requiring a manual that was easier to understand on-site.

YAMAGATA's response

Cooperating with our video content production department, we prepared storyboards through information sharing. We had our client check the end product prototype and arranged a shooting schedule after obtaining their consent. We applied narrations and subtitles to the video as requested, and provided a video that was easy to understand even for first time users.

Response details
・Filming arrangement
・Cast list creation
・Subtitle creation


Discussions were held between project members on how to infuse the contents of booklets into video media. By sharing our vision of the end product with our client, we were able to create easy-to-understand video manuals with all the crucial points included. Since the videos could be understood visually, they were well received by foreign staff members who have difficulty understanding Japanese.


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form