Case Studies

“We had been able to complete manuals for several models simultaneously, a task which previously could not be handled ourselves”

Major manufacturer B
Request details:
Manual production


●We were required to prepare maintenance manuals for multiple models.
●The amount of time for manual production was shortened due to unsuccessful internal coordination.
●We did not have the resources to complete the task with the amount of in-house man-hours required.

YAMAGATA's response

Since maintenance manual production is YAMAGATA’s field of expertise, we had immediately summoned our production staff with expert knowledge in the field. Production progressed with individual production teams handling each model. A director was appointed to verify the progress of each team to maintain an equal level of quality for multiple projects.

Response details
・Japanese document creation
・Translation (English)
・Technical illustration creation


The client was initially worried and unsure whether we would be able to handle the order within their proposed deadline. However, we were able to convince them by proposing a clear schedule that would easily make the deadline. There had been various requests which were unique for each model, but we managed to enhance the content while responding to their requests in detail.


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form