Production of
instruction manuals/other manuals

TOPServicesProduction of instruction manuals/other manuals (Electronic Products)

We break down complex information to produce user-friendly manuals.
YAMAGATA's experienced writers produce manuals while accommodating the latest trends in manual production, beginning the production process with the direction.

  • Perspective
    of the user
  • Topic-based
  • Production in

Three reasons
why clients choose us

01. We work with a diverse range of product types and media

YAMAGATA produces manuals for audio visual products in addition to a broad range of products including audio-related wearable sports devices, smartphone app help, device accessories, and set-up manuals.

Types of products we work with
TVs, Blu-ray recorders, home theater equipment, audio component systems, car audio systems, radios, portable audio players, speakers, headphones, personal computers, digital paper tablets, car audio smartphone apps, car navigation systems, printers, smartphones

02. Production proposals incorporating anticipated user experience

We carefully select the manual medium based on how users are anticipated to use the product. We propose the development of different types of manual based on the target product user demographic and how well they know the product. For instance, hardcopy manuals can be used to help users get used to using the product quickly when they first start using the product. Other manual types include manuals that can be used while users are getting used to using the product or manuals built in to the product that users can access while using the product. We work closely with the product manufacturer to put together a production proposal that can produce the envisioned user manual.

03. Quality Management

We work with the strict compliance requirements necessitated by manufacturers while managing the manual production work flow and review processes.
In addition to clearly identifying the standards and predetermined material for production, we are also regularly making improvements to the infrastructure in our production environment to make it possible to facilitate the quick and stable production of any type of material.

We produce manuals
tailored to your needs

  • Manual production in English and other languages
    For products where manuals need to be made in a large number of different languages, writing begins in English, with special care taken to use English expressions that are easier to translate into other languages.
    We take full advantage of our database systems and translation support tools to simultaneously translate manuals into multiple different languages, and we pursue manual production quality by ensuring the accuracy of the translation data. This is achieved by beginning with the accurate translation of terminology during the production of the English manual.
  • Effective use of available content
    Utilizing our dedicated database system, we established a framework that allows us to turn a single source into multiple uses in built-in XML manual and online HTML manual production. This framework also enables the shared content development of multiple models.
  • Manual app support
    YAMAGATA works with built-in manual apps (in addition to the app content).
    We use the information in the user manual as the groundwork of the app content and work with everything from the confirmation of the intents to start the activities for the app functions to the integration of these functions into the app.
  • HTML manual support for tablets
    We work with HTML manuals that are primarily read on tablets.
    By assessing the design, layout, font sizes, and other readability characteristics ideal for the device's display, we are able to create HTML manual content in the style optimal for the device.
  • Video support
    There are product operations that are difficult to explain using only words and pictures.
    When this is the case, we can use moving pictures in videos to teach users how to perform specific operations and troubleshooting.
    In addition to the filming and editing of the videos, we also explore the look and setup of the shoots.
  • FAQ production support
    Taking full advantage of our understanding of and the data we have on different products from our experience in manual production, we create FAQ content to help users with any product issues and problems.
    We build client trust and loyalty by providing services including analyzing access history to improve content accessibility, adding any essential missing content, and designing pages that promote sales.
  • Call analysis
    We organize and categorize user feedback and analyze any trends.
    The results of this analysis are used to improve product development and published product information (manuals, catalogs, official website).
    Particularly in the case of multi-function printers, the identification of problems has become more difficult due to the increasing number and variety of functions and applications. We also consider and propose ways to better categorize these functions and applications.

Our manual production process

  1. Inquiry
    Feel free to fill in the inquiry form or call us to contact us with your inquiry.
  2. Verification of request details
    Our staff will verify the details of your request with you.
  3. Quote
    After verifying the details, we create a quote for the content production that accommodates the client's needs.
  4. Kickoff
    For a smooth manual production process, we have meetings with the client to decide the manual format, how to present material, etc.
  5. Manual production
    After we receive the materials from the client, we begin producing the manual.


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form