Industrial Machinery
Production of
instruction manuals/other manuals

TOPServicesProduction of instruction manuals/other manuals (Production Machinery)

We produce manuals according to a QCD.
Our specialized staff work with everything from planning table of contents formats to technical writing.
We utilize AI technology and CMSs to improve both work efficiency and quality.

  • DX
  • Expertise
  • Consulting

Three reasons
why clients choose us

01. We work with domestic and international manuals for B2B markets

We produce domestic and international manuals for construction equipment, machine tools, railway equipment, housing equipment, etc. for B2B markets. We provide our clients with manuals in the medium most appropriate for the environment where their products are being used, regardless of the medium, which includes browser-based manuals and manuals built in to the product.

02. We provide our clients with high-quality manuals

In addition to implementing our contents management system (CMS), we also incorporate AI technology into manual production to improve work efficiency and quality.

03. Our staff are specialized and knowledgeable

Our staff are specialized in the fields for each product and work with everything from planning table of contents formats to technical writing. Based on the client's needs, we propose the optimal plan with the production method that would allow for the most efficient achievement of QCD.
We also provide consulting services for the development of user guides that conform with IEC and ISO standards as well as other corresponding international laws and regulations.

We produce manuals
tailored to your needs

  • Construction machinery manuals
    Our wide range of services cover everything from rewriting the manuscripts written by the developers and multilingual translation to DITA implementation support. We strive to improve the quality of our services through the incorporation of AI technology for the analyzation of large numbers of materials as well as through the digital transformation of work processes that tend to become individual work.
    We also work with the production of operations manuals, store manuals, and parts catalogs.
  • Machine tool manuals
    We help our clients achieve automated bilingual typesetting to accommodate the formats of different types of manuals, including operations, programming, and maintenance manuals, and significantly reduce localization lead time.
    Technical and UI terms are entered into term databases to prevent wording inconsistencies even in large translations.
  • Railway equipment manuals
    We turn large documents into manuals using the optimal tools and systems. By using AI technology to analyze sizeable numbers of documents, information with a tendency of being scattered across documents can be pinpointed with efficiency and added to the manual.
    We also work with the production of operations manuals, maintenance manuals, and parts catalogs.
  • Housing equipment manuals
    We translate catalogs, instruction manuals, and construction manuals for the use of your products in other countries.
    When translating manuals into other languages, we select user-friendly and easy-for-production table of contents compositions, designs, and writing styles in the base language.
  • Machine manuals
    We have extensive experience in the production of parts catalogs with large numbers of pages. Even for projects where it takes time to revise the Japanese versions of the documents, making it difficult to translate into other languages, YAMAGATA can apply system tools and modify work processes to shorten the lead time.

Our manual production process

  1. Inquiry
    Feel free to fill in the inquiry form or call us to contact us with your inquiry.
  2. Verification of request details
    Our staff will verify the details of your request with you.
  3. Quote
    After verifying the details, we create a quote for the content production that accommodates the client's needs.
  4. Kickoff
    For a smooth manual production process, we have meetings with the client to decide the manual format, how to present material, etc.
  5. Manual production
    After we receive the materials from the client, we begin producing the manual.


Please feel free to contact us for inquiries
and consultations concerning our services.
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00)
045-461-4000 (Operating Hours 9:00-18:00) Inquiry Form